Run Substrate/Polkadot on Apple M1 🍏

Viki Val
2 min readFeb 23, 2021


On my old Macbook Pro, I used to run a local node with a docker container. However, this approach is unusable on M1, so I need to find an alternative solution. I tried to build the node using Rosetta 2 but without any success.
So then along with @JakPannik, we found a way how to run Substrate natively on M1.
Update: I also managed to run Polkadot natively. The setup can be found at the end of this article.

Photo by Martin Katler on Unsplash

I hope that you have Brew and Xcode Command Line Tools ready installed.

First, we need to install the following dependencies from brew:

brew install python@3.9 protobuf llvm cmake openssl

Now install rust

# Install
curl -sSf | sh
# Configure
source ~/.cargo/env

Use rustup nightly

rustup update
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
Your rustup should use the nightly-aarch64 toolchain

So let’s clone the Substrate node now

git clone

Now open Cargo.toml in your favorite code editor and on the top of the file add these lines:

librocksdb-sys = { git = "", branch = "master" }

Open Cargo.lock find libc package and replace the package with:

name = "libc"
version = "0.2.81"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "1482821306169ec4d07f6aca392a4681f66c75c9918aa49641a2595db64053cb"

🧨 Compile-time

make init
make build

Ideally, you should not get any errors at this time.

πŸ‘Ÿ Time to run

make run
Running Substrate node on M1 🍏

Update: Running Polkadot node

The setup is similar to the Substrate.
Download the latest release of Polkadot from the link below (use zip format).

Unzip, go to the folder, and then execute:


Now edit the Cargo.toml

librocksdb-sys = { git = "", branch = "master" }

Moreover, we need to update two libraries πŸ“š

cargo update -p ring fs-swap

After the update, we can build the node πŸ—

cargo build --release

πŸ‘Ÿ Let it run

./target/release/polkadot --dev
Running Polkadot node on Apple M1


I hope that everything is running. In case you have any feedback, please reach me on my Twitter.



Viki Val
Viki Val

Written by Viki Val

Full-stack developer and co-founder of KodaDot

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